Saturday, May 22, 2010

Relocatable Homes

If you have been on the market for relocatable homes lately, you’ve probably figured out that the prices are incredibly cheap. There are quite a few reasons, but it really doesn’t matter why they’re cheap, you just need to jump on board and buy a manufactured home.

There are several reasons why relocatable homes are so cheap. One of the main reasons is that they are mass produced. This brings a lower overhead cost for each home and the manufacturer saves money which they pass on to the home buyer. 

Read full article here:
Save Money On Relocatable Homes

Low Cost Home Insurance

If you own a home you need insurance and normally your home is your most valued asset and you want to keep it protected. The purpose of insurance is to cover the cost of losses on the structure of the home and it may also cover the contents of the home. Insurance is an expensive addition to your budget but it is a necessary expense and here are some low cost insurance buying tips for you.

Following some of the low cost insurance buying tips will help you save money on your policy.  When you buy a home you need to save money wherever you can.

Read full article here:
Save Money On Home Insurance

Natural Disaster Insurance

Natural disasters can hit anyone at anytime. It may be a tornado that rips through a city, a hurricane that blows in from the ocean or a torrential rain that causes intense flooding. Natural disaster insurance provides coverage for losses sustained by natural disasters. Regular homeowner's insurance is probably not enough to cover damages in a weather catastrophe. You want to make sure if you live in a area that is prone to weather catastrophes that your insurance will cover your life's possessions so you are not devastated by the losses.

Read entire article here:
Catastrophic Insurance Facts

Buying A Used Manufactured Home

Buying used manufactured homes is becoming a lot more popular in tough economic times, mainly due to the benefits you receive over tradition brick and mortar, or timber framed homes. Manufactured homes, or mobile homes, can be moved around at ease. While it may get expensive to relocate over and over again, you do have the option.

Used manufactured homes are cheaper because they are massed produced and if you buy a used one it can be a wise financial decision. You can buy it and relocate it the lot of your own choosing. Buying a used manufacture home gives you freedom both financially and in having the option to choose a preferred location.

Read entire article here:
Used Manufactured Home Information

Transportable Homes

So how do companies go about moving transportable homes? After all, a house is supposed to stay on it’ s foundation, right? In most cases, the answer is yes, however, when the house has been mass manufactured, and actually built to be moved around, under the right care and supervision, you can easily relocate them to a new lot.

One of the benefits of buying a transportable home is that you can move it around although in a normal situation you probably wouldn't want to relocate it like that. It probably would be easier to sell so someone could move it to their own preferred lot.

Read entire article here: 
Transportable Homes Information

Advice For Accidental Landlords

Before I get into my advice, I think it would best to explain what an accidental landlord is.  An accidental landlord is someone who didn’t actually plan on becoming a landlord, but through life circumstances, ended up owning property which someone is renting.  It may be that a job transfer forced a move but you were unable to sell your current house.  Maybe you were upsizing or downsizing and couldn’t sell or inherited property was already being rented out.  No matter the circumstances, you now find yourself with property that you will have to manage at least until you can sell it.

I am an accidental landlord since I was unable to sell my house when moving to make room for a larger family. In this article, I offer several tips for someone finding themselves in a similar situation.

Read full article here:
Accidental Landlord Advice

Contents Insurance

Buying a home involves responsibility such as insurance which protect you from theft and accidental losses. Homeowners insurance may include contents insurance but you might have to buy a separate policy to insure your possessions.

A home contents insurance policy protects your possessions. It does not protect your property. It protects furniture, appliances, jewelry, tools and just about everything else in your house that you want insured. If you just moved into a new place whether it is a house or an apartment you want to make sure your possessions are covered from accidents and theft.

Read full article here:
Buying Contents Insurance

Tips On Buying Investment Properties

I certainly don’t consider myself an expert in the field of investment properties, but I do have some practical experience in that I currently own several single family homes (SFH) for longer term investing.  I have also read quite a bit about investing in real estate and buying investment properties so I feel that I can share a little about my philosophy of investing and offer some tips.

Buying investment properties is a popular way to make money. You make deals on property and you can either for rent or resell for profit.

Read entire article here: 
Investment Properties Buying Tips

Project Homes

Buying project homes are often a wise financial decision. You can really make a good deal of money by going into a home, renovating it and then selling for a profit.

Finding good deals in these tough markets is often a lot easier than you think. Finding project homes to buy is a great way to capitalize on your investment, without having to fork over large amounts of...

Read full article here:
Buying Project Homes

Premanufactured Homes

Premanufactured homes often called modular homes are homes that are come in pre-made pieces They come in a kit with instructions on how to put together so you have a quality made home.

There are quite a few benefits to purchasing premanufactured homes over other traditional styles of building, such as brick and mortar, or even timber framed houses. From being substantially more cost...

Read full article here: 
Benefits of Premanufactured Homes

Why I May Never Prepay My Mortgage

There are many personal financial planners and gurus who would advocate prepaying a mortgage and paying off your house early.  They say you should spend extra money monthly and make extra principal payments to save lots of money and years of interest making a guaranteed return in the process.  That may be great in theory, but the real world is where I live.

One side of the fence says pay off your mortgage and one says not to. Which side is your thoughts on?

Read full article here: 
Why I Won't Pay My Mortgage Off

Practical Tips To Pay Off Mortgage Early

How to pay your mortgage early. Why pay it off when you have excess money to sqaunder on something else? If you have got this far, you will already know why mortgage reduction is important because you would have read my other two hubs in the series. But if you have, you are ready for some practical tips on how to achieve success and become mortgage free, like me!

If you follow tips that will help you pay off your mortgage early you will feel a sense of achievement. Not only will you save money on your mortgage but you will give yourself breathing space if you want to buy something extra. It takes off some of the financial burden you may feel with a mortgage.

Read full article here: 
Practical Tips For Mortgage Reduction

Why Should I Pay My Mortgage Early?

How to pay a mortgage early? Why would you want to do that? We are in a time of very low interest rates. This has been the lowest for 300 years, according to Martin Lewis of Money Saving I have a lot of respect for Mr Lewis! However, I would disagree with him on this occasion. I believe that now we are less tied by the mortgage rate, now is the time to make hay whilst the sun shines. Mortgage reduction must start now, if you value your home and your future.

You can really save a lot of money if you pay your mortgage off early. It will also reduce your financial pressures on a monthly basis. 

Read entire article here:
Paying Off Mortgage Early

How To Pay Mortgage Early

How to pay a mortgage early? This is no easy task. However, I have done it. I am mortgage free! How did I do it? Well this article will tell you. Mortgage reduction is not about the debt – it is about you! You need to change! If you change your spending behaviour, then you can reduce your mortgage. Become like me – be free… be mortgage free!

The longer you have one the more appealing mortgage reduction sounds. You can really save a lot of money when you use practical advice and learn how to pay mortgage label.

Read full article here:
Mortgage Reduction Info